Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Life changes.

Life can change in an instant.

You think things are pretty okay, then you get word that this person is sick, or that person has passed away. Life goes into a mad spiral, and your world is spinning too fast to hang on.

My mother got the results of her biopsy today, and they found pre-cancerous cells. It wasn't benign, but it wasn't completely malignant either. Pre-cancerous. It's scary for me to even think about. She has a tumor the size of an egg, and they have to take it out. Not sure when her surgery will be, but it will be soon, I would imagine. After she has it removed, a pathologist will be examining it, and deciding whether she'll need radiation or not. I'm scared, I will admit that. But I know that God is in control.

When I first found out about my diabetes, I was scared. I was spiralling into a state of terror of the unknown. Then, I prayed about it, for a long time, it seemed. It really was only a matter of days. I asked God to give me peace about it, and he did, and I'm praying he'll do the same for me in this situation.

I finally got my settlement check for my knee injury last year. I'm so incredibly thankful that my medical bills will be paid, and we can pay several other bills, and still have a nice amount left over. Our vacation will be paid in full, also. Yay for that. We're going to give a nice amount to the church, too. I know it's just like our income, so we'll tithe accordingly, and more on top of that. We're going to sit and write out the other things we need to get, and then the wants come last.

My parents will be visiting this weekend, so we'll take them out to lunch on Saturday and then Mom will help me get curtains for the upstairs bedrooms. I can't wait for that, our room will look more complete, I think. I am going to buy a down comforter for our room, too. Ooooh. Then on Monday, I'm going out with my mother in law and the kids, and we'll get Casey some sneakers, and some comfy shoes for me for walking, and then get some Autumn decorations for the house. I heart Autumn. What with the Halloween and birthday and all. The leaves, the cool air, it all is just delightful.

Well, that's about all I have for now. I'm off to get ready for bed.

Take care.



Kim said...

I will keep your mom in my prayers.

It is still hot like summer here...I think our "Fall" (if you can even call ours that, lol) will start late November.

Jammin said...

I like the look of your blog. Bright and Cheery!

Iri said...


Bubbaloo Magoo said...

Glad to see the doors are open again - you had us wondering for a few days there!

Any form of cancer is a scary thing. It's only been a little over a year now since it took C's mom from us, and it was tough for a while. Hopefully they'll remove it with no complications, and things will be fine. Like you said, it's in God's hands. Hope and pray - all you can do. Keep us updated on the progress!